Best firewood n South Africa and their uses.

As the cold weather sets in, many people are looking for the best firewood to keep them warm. South Africa has some of the best hardwoods in the world, and they make for a great fire.

Here is a list of the types of firewood, where they come from, their uses and where to get them.

1. Blue Gum – Blue gum is a type of eucalyptus tree that is native to Australia. It is one of the most popular types of firewood in South Africa because it burns hot and long. It is also a good wood for braais.

2. Sekelbos – Sekelbos is a type of African mahogany tree that is native to southern Africa. It is a good all-purpose firewood because it burns hot and fast.

3. Rooikrans – Rooikrans is a type of acacia tree that is native to South Africa. It is a good wood for braais because it gives off a lot of heat and has a long burning time.

4. Mopani – Mopani is a type of African mahogany tree that is native to southern Africa. Mopani is a good firewood because it is tough and durable, and it gives off a lot of heat. It also has a long burning time, which makes it perfect for braais.

5. Black Wattle – ideal firewood because of its high heat output and long burning time. It is a tough and durable wood that originates from South Africa. Black Wattle is perfect for braais and campfires, and is also great for heating homes and businesses.

6. Kameeldoring – great choice for winter fires. This wood is tough and durable, and produces a lot of heat. Kameeldoring is a hardwood that is indigenous to South Africa.

Remember that when looking for the best firewood, it is important to remember that professional tree fellers often also sell wood. Professional tree fellers can help you cut down trees and remove tree stumps and sell you the wood, which makes things a lot easier.


When choosing firewood, it is important to select a type that will burn hot and long. South African hardwoods are some of the best in the world for this purpose. They are also good for braais. So, if you are looking for the best firewood to keep you warm this winter, choose one of these types.